I’m Keno

Keno is a male Germanic given name, specifically of Frisian origin. The name derives from the Old Germanic name Kuonrat, from conja meaning "bold" and rad "counsel"


Peer, an equal in age, education or social class with the same goal.

Born 10.24.1994

1024 is one byte, my birthday and in numerology is 1024 also a sign to use creativity and expression in more meaningful ways, whether it’s developing a new product, launching a business, or creating content that resonates with people. The 1024 number is a powerful reminder that when we stay true to ourselves, use our creativity, and trust our intuition, anything is possible. It’s a sign that we are on the right path and have the courage to pursue our passions and make positive changes in our lives.

There are 8.1 Billion answers to how live life. There are 8.1 Billion questions why we exist. Some things seem to be meant or are they just a coincidence? We are all together on this journey called live discovering the deeper meaning of our existence.

When I was younger I wrote down what my answer is to life. There’s no answer, but i wanted to understand first who I am, why am I who I am and who’s me when I’m living in a world that is focused on manipulating me through my senses.

👁️ • vision & perception

First I needed to learn how we see, how do shadows lead my eye, how are colors triggering emotions and are the colors I see actually the same as anyone else? One thing was for sure, I don’t see as most people see. As a child, my right eye was almost blind. For six years I wore a patch on my left eye to help my right eye grow the strength. With 13 my right eye had fully recovered, but my brain was not able to lay both pictures together. I would never be able to see 3D. Instead, my brain focuses on lines and shadows, and I can perceive depth this way. In art classes during my school time, I never understood people having problems to sketch 3D objects. When they asked me how I do it, I just said: „I paint as I see it.“ 

My world looks like a mesh of lines and patterns in which I find great beauty. I see symmetries and harmonies between objects that others do not perceive. 

For the last 20 years I captured more than 1 million photos, more than 2000 portraits from all around the world and 100k photos of my peers. I was educated by my own eye and the Trainee of Kristian Schuller.

👂🏽• frequencies & emotions

What are sounds, how do they trigger my subconsciousness, why do I like certain music and sometimes I feel happy or sad. I started of with classical piano at age 6 and classical composition by age 14. Since then I’ve composed more than 100 pieces. In 2016 I played with Nick Yume as Rihannas Opening Act on her Anti world tour infront of 30.000 People. Since then I focused on the science of frequencies ( music & words ) and how they impact us.

🖐🏽 • creation & curation

Creating Products. Investing in companies and Peers.

💛 • compassion & love

Love Projects to build a future with tradition.

The next year and three decades are planned and ready to create a future with tradition.